Country Brief
As a Small Island Developing State (SIDS), the republic of Seychelles is vulnerable to the impacts of climate change and climate variability, and it gives priority concern for adaptation to climate change. The Government of Seychelles considers adaptation to climate change as ahigh priority to reduce the country’s vulnerability. The main climate change threats facing Seychelles are similar to those threatening other small island developing states: changes in rainfall patterns leading to flooding. The threats caused by climate change will have significant impacts on Seychelles in the short, medium and longer term on infrastructure, agriculture, fisheries, tourism, energy and water security, biodiversity, waste management and on human health and well-being. Seychelles’ long-term vision is to minimise the impacts of climate change through concerted and proactive action at all levels of society. The longer-term adaptation goal are to increase resilience and reduce vulnerability of livelihoods and island life.