Country Brief
In view of the country's high exposure and vulnerability to climate change and in response to the Paris Agreement, Senegal intends to contribute to the collective effort, through the implementation of mitigation measures and adaptation in priority economic sectors, communities, infrastructure, ecosystems and cities.
The strategy is based on the integration of the climate change dimension in the formulation and programming of development policies, taking into account other priorities such as human and animal health, the fight against poverty and malnutrition, the promotion of renewable energies. and energy efficiency and gender mainstreaming.
Overview of the Updated NDC (2020):
In 2016, Senegal embarked on the process of updating its INDC to make it a NDC, which constitutes the country’s commitment under the Paris Agreement. This transition responds mainly to the need to update the data (sectoral, macroeconomic, demographic, etc.) used during the preparation of the INDC, but also to the need to take charge of essential components such as Measurement, Notification and Verification (MRV), capacity building and technology transfer needs, essential for a good implementation of the CDN as well as the integration of emissions from the oil and gas industry including the start of production is scheduled for 2022. Also, a rigorous assessment of the environmental situation made it possible to identify:
- sectors of greenhouse gas emissions: transport, waste, energy, industry, forestry and agriculture;
- sensitive areas giving priority to activities to adapt and control the impacts of climate change, coastal erosion, agriculture, fisheries, livestock, health, biodiversity and floods.